Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can I keep a Jaguar cichlid alone in a 75 Gallon Aquarium?

Im re-doing my 75 gallon aquarium and i would love to have a female jaguar cichlid. my local fish store just got a bunch on 4 inchers in and some of them i can tell pretty easy which are males and females. Can a single FEMALE jaguar cichlid live in a 75 gallon tank with excellent filtration? i know a male would grow to large but will a female be alright?

thanks!|||Yes, it will need a tank that big when full grown. agrees with me on the tank size. Somewhere along the line someone with an audience must have said they need 120 gallons because too many people repeat it like parrots.They get 14-16 inches long in captivity, which makes them a few inches bigger than Oscars, and almost everyone agrees that you can keep 1 Oscar in a 55 gallon tank. I'm not the last word but I've been around for a while and have actually only seen two that hit 15 inches in 30 years.

The allows 75 gallons for one pair. I think that's streching it a bit, but if they are a mated pair they tend to stay together and take up less room, but they would require a 120 gallon filter.

They do need fairly cool (75 degree) water and also like alkaline water- ph over 7 and close to 8.

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