Saturday, November 12, 2011

Can Jaguar or Oscar be kept with a flowerhorn?

I want to buy a juvenile jaguar or oscar, like 2-4 inches in length, currently i have a flowerhorn 4 inches and 2 convicts cichlid on the other side of the divider 2 inches, is it possible to introduce an oscar or a jaguar?|||I wouldn't advise it, how long have you had the Flower Horn? Flower Horns grow very quickly and are a very aggressive fish. My Flower Horn Chichlid went from 5in to 8in in four months but it depends on the size of the tank. I keep mine in a separate tank from my other fish|||Oh it's possible, but you someone will DEFINITELY be dead in no time. I personally would not try it. |||How big is the tank?

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